2017 24/02
Vaticano Lazio Rome Exif: NIKON D810, 14.0-24.0 mm f/2.8 @ f/2.8 1/50, ISO 1600 23   
Jpg file

picture with a view of Michelangelo's Dome from under the canopy of Bernini

The Cupolone seen from below, at the foot of the main altar and the Baldacchino.

St. Peter's Basilica Rome Vatican Photography Canopy Baroque Dome Michelangelo
Hash MD5: 7e0937f8d980849558b20b036ede511d
Hash SHA1: c01537ff87d697a35b657f1e01d934d62ee2ba45
Hash SHA256: 6481fb445c15cc559d7e60526225c49535cd697a7cce5169d8cbab8e5f0da609