2011 23/10
Ukraine Ivankiv Prypjat Exif: NIKON D90, 18.0-200.0 mm f/3.5-5.6 @ f/8.0 1/400, ISO 200 83   
Jpg file

picture of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant and of the monument to the liquidators

Vladimir Il'ic Lenin di Cernobyl nuclear power plant has been built since the 1970. It was made up by 4 nuclear reactors. The reactor n.4 blowed up in the 26th of april 1986 causing the Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster.

Chernobyl Decay Nuclear Disaster Nuclear Power Plant Monument Liquidators
Hash MD5: bede8ac79d85bd8f0fff0795fa7f0eb8
Hash SHA1: 97c0bff992bcb933792b97e19750177b083c8455
Hash SHA256: 614f1fb11c4b9217389e6e5158bf28d5cd70fb62663ee270a14ca24742a4d703