2017 03/01
Italy Tuscany Siena Exif: NIKON D810, 14.0-24.0 mm f/2.8 @ 8/1 1/125, ISO 64 26   
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La Fonte Gaia: a sculptural masterpiece in Siena

In 1346, Piazza del Campo in Siena welcomed the new source, called "Fonte Gaia" for the happiness of the citizens. This source, symbol of richness and power, was the result of an imposing medieval hydraulic work, fueled by underground pipes still working today. To increase the prestige of Siena, in 1409 were commissioned to Jacopo della Quercia, renowned sculptor, the decorations of the source. The artist created a rectangular tank adorned with magnificent bas-reliefs: on the long side he sculpted the Madonna with the Child, surrounded by the Virtues of the Faith, Charity, Temperance, Fortress, Patience, Wisdom and Justice, while on the short sides represented the Creation of Adam and the Hunted by the Eden. The statues of Rea Silvia and Acca Larenzia, homage to the Roman origins of Siena, adorn the front pillars. Today, a nineteenth-century copy of the fountain of the square, while the original restoration of the Museum is kept in the Santa.

Fonte Gaia, Piazza del Campo, Siena, Renaissance sculpture, Jacopo della Quercia, medieval conductions, Madonna and Child, allegories of the Virtues, Creation of Adam, Cacciata dall'Eden, Rea Silvia, Acca Larenzia, Complesso Museale di Santa Maria della Scala, artistic heritage, Italy.
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