2024 13/07
Italy Tuscany Siena Exif: NIKON D810, 16.0-35.0 mm f/4.0 @ 4/1 1/640, ISO 640 24   
Jpg file

Interior view of the Fontebranda, Siena

The fountain, Fontebranda, was originally formed by a succession of three tanks: the first was destined to contain the drinking water, the second, fed by the overflow from the previous, was used for the watering of the animals, finally the third was used to wash the cloths. The tub depicted in the image is the one destined for drinking water. The fountain is fed by the Bottini, an aqueduct of more than 25 kilometers excavated in the subsoil of Siena from the end of the XII century.

Siena, Fontebranda, fountains of Siena, fountains of Siena, aqueduct of Siena, Tuscany
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