Exif: NIKON D750, 16.0-35.0 mm f/4.0 @ 8/1 1/2000, ISO 100
Palmenti park of Pietragalla
The Parco dei Palmenti in locality Tofi, an agglomeration of about 200 palms, of which only 69 in excellent condition. These semi-hypogeal structures, used for the processing of grapes, follow the morphology of the soil with a sloping arrangement. Going back mainly to the 1800s, some palms could have been built already in the '300s. Unlike other Italian wine areas, the palments of Pietragalla form a real village of 2 hectares. Built in local sandstone, the structures have thick walls and roofs covered with grass and soil clods, which guarantee an ideal temperature for winemaking. Above the door of each palment there is a small opening for ventilation, particularly useful during fermentation to dissipate carbon dioxide.