2015 11/04
Italy Apulia Trani Exif: NIKON D800, 24.0-70.0 mm f/2.8 @ f/8.0 1/80, ISO 100 21   
Jpg file

photograph of the Notarial archive building in Trani

Photograph of the Norarile di Trani archive, with the bell tower of the Cathedral in the background.

Trani Apulia Photography Saint Mary Cathedral Trani Notarial Archive Building
Hash MD5: 4cf85f917eb61271ec379bc774070025
Hash SHA1: d073c09bb4678b73d33963110ca186c70dbf32df
Hash SHA256: dfaaa0209da2a18feabfa28163b5f10e97cc937614079edfd2bc671a2cfb496f