2018 09/09
Italy Apulia Monopoli Exif: X-T2, XF10-24mmF4 R OIS @ f/22.0 4/10, ISO 200 27   
Jpg file

picture of the breakwater cliff on the coast of Monopoli shot at sunset

The cliff is in defense of the Santa Maria waterfront, which is often subject to heavy storms that would otherwise damage the port.

Monopoli Apulia Sea Promenade Breakwater Sunset
Hash MD5: 18c99c547ee8418ed3bb5b7ff6748065
Hash SHA1: 78478e021b00651e255ac7b43aef09f2acbd3f69
Hash SHA256: 62e14c4cd54bd9302d9ea333801bd6b90db402131906e26cbe929d53087d9371