2012 14/01
Italy Apulia Giovinazzo Exif: NIKON D90, 18.0-200.0 mm f/3.5-5.6 @ f/8.0 1/100, ISO 200 43   
Jpg file

photograph of the historic center of Giovinazzo, with the Cathedral, seen from the Port

The old town of Giovinazzo seen from the port. The profile of the cathedral church in the Apulian Romanesque style of Santa Maria dell'Assunta stands out.

Giovinazzo Apulia Old Town Cathedral Port Panoramic Photography
Hash MD5: ba962a914306fd9ea146a7c6fee1bcb6
Hash SHA1: c509ff583f71ed73d696f26aaab4b1d105e5bcc1
Hash SHA256: b5690a19ddf3bcfcf667b00888947f8ef55ea578b43d6dec7c7ad934e464b58a