2015 04/06
Italy Apulia Giovinazzo Exif: NIKON D800, 70.0-200.0 mm f/2.8 @ f/8.0 5/1, ISO 100 35   
Jpg file

photograph with detail of the port of Giovinazzo, Bari

The historic center of Giovinazzo seen from the sea. The two bell towers on the sides of the apse area of ??Giovinazzo cathedral stand out.

Giovinazzo Apulia Old Town Cathedral Port Panoramic Photography
Hash MD5: a639e87675d7b94273b23373cb8f4bdc
Hash SHA1: 78e58ee6ceefdaaca580ba40f68c68343265b965
Hash SHA256: fd901b77821ef6564680a708a368e8ef4fdc04b4d9dff483d58ea33220fc5eb8