2018 07/10
Italy Apulia Bisceglie Exif: X-T2, XF10-24mmF4 R OIS @ f/9.0 1/60, ISO 200 21   
Jpg file

picture with panoramic view of the port from Via Nazario Sauro, Bisceglie

The slipway in the port of Bisceglie, seen from via Nazario Sauro

Overview Bisceglie Seaport Nazario Sauro Slipway Street Bat Apulia
Hash MD5: d1884899e945dbbcbc2ce728ab82dd1e
Hash SHA1: 0417f816d18125901fc2b7e116e0e6f64be24e84
Hash SHA256: e7226dda2e5f6e40e04f2852d12a2089face76b38dca7b6508602a7cbb2f647b